One of the many names of God is Jehovah Nissi. It means He is my banner. What does that look like?
In my imagination, I see a parade where you see a banner being marched ahead of a band to introduce them. Can you see the banner the Lord has going ahead of you?
There is another banner, though, as I think about this. It is a banner over me. We all have curled up under a blanket. For protection, warmth, and safety
Yet, in Exodus 17:15, another banner is talked about. A banner Moses put up marking where God had helped them win a battle.
Whether for introduction, protection or make of victory, we need to realize how much God is in and around us each day.
God being your Jehovah Nissi. To have this, you need to know and line up with what God has for your life.
Proverbs 3:5 says to trust God and not self. So we rely on you today, Lord.
Pastor Mary
Text to give: TITUS to 53-555