Is it you, your kids, spouse, friends, or your job? What do you think about when you awake? Do you take a minute to thank the God who allowed you to wake up and gives you breath to breathe?
So many of us hit the ground running in the morning with all the “TO DO’s” we must do, and we forget about the one who created us. But there is a more important question here. Ready? Who is the center of your universe?
Who does your whole world revolve around? Is it you, your kids, spouse, friends, or your job? I want to tell you if it is any of those, your world could crash at any moment. Your health could fail you, and now you cannot do what you usually could do, or the identity badge you wear is gone. Or any of the others could, may, or will leave you.
I remember when I dropped my daughter off at college. There were students at the exit handing out tissues. My thought was, why? I had raised my children to explore. This was their adventure. My life was not centered on them.
So, who should be at the center of your world? It is easy. It should be God. If there is anything or anyone else you hold there when they are gone, you will be like the earth without the sun and nothing to hold us in orbit. All the others are like the moons circling you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in God, and he will direct our path.
Who is first in your lineup of priority people in your life?
Pastor Mary
Text to give: TITUS to 53-555