As we go through our day, who do others see in us? Our family? People who knew my mom said I looked like her. Our friends? Do we mimic how our friends talk and act? This is quickly done the more you are around someone.
Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” God has given us an example of how we should act. Paul was a persecutor of Christians, then after his Damascus Road experience where God redirected his life. The way he acted and talked changed.
Here, we can see how Paul looked to others. He was full of hatred, which is not an example you would want to follow. Then, after the Damascus Road experience (Acts 9), he shows a different person.
God knew we needed, as people in the flesh, someone to look at to see what this Christian walk looks like. Jesus showed us miracles from heaven and gave us hope for our future. I have faith in Jesus and know that my sins are forgiven. How do we live a Christian life in this world?
Enters Paul. We can see his life as a sinner and how God changed him. With Paul having written 27 books in the New Testament, God gave him the instructions on how to help us walk this life out.
What is your life reflecting? With your thoughts, words, and actions. Is it something we need to ponder with the Lord?