Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking with a lady who had gone through the ministry years before. During our conversation, we talked about how we walk out of this world, our healing, and recovery.
As we come into the Easter season and remember what Jesus did for us there, I shared with her the following.
As the Old Testament says in Leviticus 17:11, our life is totally dependent on blood in our body. At that time, they used animal blood for atonement, which was a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ.

I want to look at the Book of John for today’s point. Chapter 19 is where we start to see all the blood Jesus shed before the cross, including the crown of thorns and the scourging he endured. You can also read different views of this in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
Then, we carry the cross, which is a symbol of our sin, to Golgotha. To die in this manner was stating you were a covenant breaker. Pause…. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice for us. Let us not look lightly at this.
But my main point today is when Jesus showed up afterward. These are found in John 20-21. Jesus showed up to encourage us with four different emotions that affect our lives daily.
Sorrow (John 20:11-18), Fear (John 20:19-23), Doubt (John 20:24-25) and Care (John 21:4-14)
So we come to the cross of Christ for what He did there. But we must stay there and realize He finished the work and cares for us even after.
Then Jesus goes to make a place for you John 14:2.
IN HIM Pastor Mary