Have you ever looked at your life and said, “What a mess?” “How did it get this way? How do I clean this up?
Let’s look at how you got there. So, say there is something that happened in your life you didn’t face, or God told you to do something, and you didn’t do it His way.
It could be as simple as asking for help, which would have stopped the mess from happening, or asking for help to clean it up. Both start with prayer if we come to God before and ask for His wisdom. He will show us how to move forward. Or once we saw our mess, asking for His wisdom on how to clean it up.
Maybe you did ask for God’s wisdom, but did you apply it to your situation? Or go ahead and still do it your way. God has given us free will and won’t force us to do it His way. For example, have you ever put gum in your hand and left it there for a while? It becomes a sticky mess, and you must do more work to clean it up. There would be no mess if you had just put it in the garbage.
1 Kings 3 King Solomon recounts how God helped others in the past in his prayer time. He was asking for wisdom and knowledge. The passage says that God granted him his request because he didn’t ask for riches and honor. King Solomon still had to lean on God for what was given to him.
Today, let’s search our hearts to see if we are leaning on God’s wisdom and discernment or our pride in I know how to do this.
Pastor Mary
Text to give: TITUS to 53-555