So how do you spend your time? This time of year (Christmas), our schedule can be so complete that putting one more thing in seems impossible. I understand. Currently, I have three part-time jobs along with my pastoral responsibilities. There is one thing I have learned over the years.
Do not start your day without talking to God and spending time with Him.
You may be thinking, how? Or when? In the Bible, Psalm 5:3 states: In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. So, is morning the best time? It depends on you. God knows you, so ask Him what would work best for your schedule. Just ask.
Here is my question: how much time do you spend with God daily? The Bible talks about tithing our money, which God gives us. What about your time? We all have 24 hours daily, so a tithe of 10% is roughly 2.5 hours. That can come as a shock. But what we need to do is start. As you do, you will see God allowing your day to accomplish more than if you hit the floor running. Your where (table, war room area, or car) and how long (5, 30 minutes, or 2.5 hours) is between you and God.
Just start and see what God will do.
I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word. —Psalm 119:15–16