This morning, as I was waking up and then making my coffee. My routine in the morning. We all have our routines and how we do certain things or how we want them done. The problem with this is it leaves no room for the Holy Spirit to lead or talk to you. You are on autopilot.
When something comes along to change your routine, you can either flow with it or fight it. Or may I say receive a blessing or not?
Jesus was in this same mindset in the garden of Gethsemane. Mark 14:36 states, “And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt. “
I believe Jesus knew what this moment brought to his life and ours. Being of flesh, he knew what pain was and didn’t want the pain yet submitted to God’s will to allow us access to heaven. He was doing something different and brought to us the biggest blessing ever.
As we go through our day, we face the opportunities to change our routine. Do something different so we can see the blessing side of it. Blessing may be for us or others.
Embrace change, for it can be beautiful.