Our Godly Garmin

I traveled to the cities yesterday to see a friend and my grandgirls. I love road trip time by myself. I can talk with God, pray for you, and sing; the only distraction for me is ensuring I get to where I need to be at the right time. Thanks to maps on my cell phone.

It is much like our walk with God. See, we all travel on this road of life. If we have accepted Christ as our savior, we know where we want to go but need help figuring out how to get there. If you haven’t, you are unsure of your destination; you are just on the road, living life.

There may be detours ahead and traffic backing up (rush hour traffic). We don’t know about them, but we trust the maps on our phones to tell us, such as re-calculating or making a U-turn at the next intersection when we make a wrong turn or get lost. Have you ever put in your destination and been taken on all these side roads you didn’t plan on yet, still arrived where you wanted to be?

Why do we trust a computer device and not the written word of God? We don’t know the programmer for the phone or the app on a personal level, yet we trust them. All that is written in the Bible is written by man yet overseed and instructed by God on what to write down. 2 Timothy 3:16 and Hebrews 4:12 If God’s word can separate bone and marrow, I know I can trust Him to guide my day. Yet some don’t believe, or those who do and don’t open it up daily. I am guilty of this at times.

So why don’t we? We allow the distractions around us and keep traveling down life’s road. If we opened the Bible and read, we would see things in our day we would have otherwise missed. We need to use our GPS – God’s Positioning System.

Pastor Mary


Text to give: TITUS to 53-555

Mary Yaw

Mary is on a mission to provide a cozy welcoming, safe place where you can find H.O.P.E. for the future.