Nickels and Noses

In my history of doing support classes and the transition home, I have been asked how many people are attending. Or how are you financially doing?

Why are you asking? Do you genuinely care or want information to talk about?

I have never been concerned about the number of people who attend. A co-leader once told me, “You don’t know who the people who come will influence or who they are from God’s point of view. They could be the next President of the United States. You need to be there for them.

That said, numbers (noses) have never been my concern. God has a bigger plan than I can see. I need to do what God has called me to be and do. I may not be a big influence like Corrie Tin Boom or have a ministry like United Way.

God has always provided. Before he passed away, my father told me, “He never worried about me because he knew God had got me.” This statement was life-changing for someone who was looking for approval at the time. He was not concerned about nickels or noses.

In John 1:35-46, Jesus says to them, “Come and See.” Andrew heard this and went to tell his brother Simon to “Come and See.”

It isn’t about the numbers. It is totally about the one. So, as I continue with my walk with the Lord, I encourage all to “Come and See” what the Lord has for them.

The Lord does not care about finances; He owns it all anyway. He will touch those who partner with Titus II, Inc., to complete the project He started.

If you want to know more about the Lord and His plans, I encourage you to “Come and See.” Another scripture is Taste and see the Lord is good. Psalms 34:8 Time is short. Listen for the quiet voice of the Lord; he calls you to come closer.

Pastor Mary

Mary Yaw

Mary is on a mission to provide a cozy welcoming, safe place where you can find H.O.P.E. for the future.