Faithful means remaining loyal and steadfast. Given the state of the world today, who is faithful?
I know I “want to be said as faithful,” but I am no stranger to the reality that I am human, and my emotions can push/pull me. We are always trying to find our place at our jobs, churches, and families, trying our best to do what is right and what others request. Yet our emotions will pull us when something is said or done that “steps on our toes” and makes us unhappy or isn’t how we thought it should be.
Do we shut up and be faithful to those around us, or do we talk? We voice our opinions to others when unnecessary. Being faithful and praying and keep doing what we know God needs us to do.
We do have one in our lives who is always faithful regardless of what is going on in and around us. God is always faithful to see us through one day and into the next. He supplies our needs and sees everything.
The song “Great is thy faithfulness” is excellent. Listen and ponder the Lord’s faithfulness to you.
Pastor Mary
Text to give: TITUS to 53-555