Hosea, a book in the Bible, is an example of our walk with God.
See, Hosea was a prophet in the Old Testament who married a lady named Gomer. After their marriage, she committed adultery. God instructed Hosea to go and repurchase her. Even though she was still his wife. The book of Hosea shows us the covenant God had with Israel.
But even more, it shows us how much God loves us. God loves us so much that He will come looking for us no matter what we do. Even before we accept Jesus as our savior, God sets us up to see Him and accept what He did at the cross for each of us.
So, as you read through Hosea, either now or in the future, I pray this will give you more insight into why God put it into the Bible.
He loves you so much that He would leave the 99 to look for you. He hears you and sees you no matter what you are through.
He waits for us to talk to Him about our day, life, and emotions. He cares and will not reject you because of your feelings about yourself. He wants you to know you are the apple of His eye. Psalm 17:8 and Proverbs 7:2
Have a blessed day in the Lord.
Pastor Mary