Bible Information

Today, I want to share some information about the Bible that I think is interesting.

  • The Old Testament has 39 books, whereas the New Testament has 27.
  • Apostle Paul wrote 13 books in the New Testament
  • One man has 12 fingers and toes (2 Samuel 21:20)
  • Oldest Person lived 969 years old (Gen5:27)
  • The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the world.
  • The Bible has been translated into 2,454 languages.
  • One man had 88 children (2 Chr 11:21)
  • Longest name Mahershalalhashbaz (Is 8:1)
  • The middle verse in the Bible is Ps 103:2-3
  • Book Ester is the only book that doesn’t use the word “God.”

The Bible consists of the following:

66 books                     40 Authors                  1,189 Chapters

3,294 questions          6,468 commands        31,173 verses

773,692 words            3,566,480 letters

The Bible is the best-selling book in history.

This was my source, and others may have different numbers.

Mary Yaw

Mary is on a mission to provide a cozy welcoming, safe place where you can find H.O.P.E. for the future.