After mowing the lawn, working, or exercising, have you ever been so thirsty to drink water? Trying to fill the dry place inside you? I have.
Ps 42:1 says our heart (soul) should be like the deer looking for water. But are we? Or do we take enough for the moment? Then, remember there was water and go back only to discover it had dried up. Also, going back has never been an option when you walk with God—looking back and learning yes. But not to go back. It is the past. We must live in the present and look to the future. Proverbs 26:11 says it is like a dog returning to his vomit.
So, how thirsty are you? Do you want more of the one who can give you peace and direct you to a future and hope (Jer 29:11)? God is the only one who knows what it looks like and how to get you there.
Here is the problem: We live in a work mentality world; we leave God behind because He takes too long. I don’t see the end goal or would have to give up so much. We all have had these excuses at one point or another. God has the answer for them in His word.
So, how thirsty are you for the answer that will lead you out of your desert? We need to be there every day. God’s word is fresh and alive. He is just waiting to reveal something new to you. So come to the water so you will never thirst again. John 4:13
Take 5 minutes in the Bible today and see what God shows you.
Pastor Mary
Text to give: TITUS to 53-555