We all go to a meeting expecting what we will hear, right? Otherwise, we would not go or sign up for those events. Should a church be any different?
Are you going to church because it is expected? To make sure others see you so they know you are a Christian. Or are you just sitting in the pew? That is between you and God.

Let’s look at it differently. Are you going to hear the sermon series the pastor is preaching? Or expecting to hear a word from GOD? I propose we must listen to what GOD says to us individually through the sermon.
What if there is another reason? Maybe you need to connect with someone in the church. To hug them, let them know they are seen. Or perhaps you are to give them an encouraging word from God.
There are so many reasons we are to gather. So, as we prepare for your day, will you let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you as He needs you?
Mark 5:25-43, Luke 8:34-56 and Matthew 9:20-25. Jesus was going to heal a little girl. On His way, a lady interrupted his plans by reaching out to touch Him. She was healed, and Jesus still went to where he was heading and healed the little girl. Side note: both these ladies had their issues for 12 years.
Pastor Mary
Text to give: TITUS to 53-555