We will be changing our new calendar to 2024 in just a couple of days. So, we reflect on what 2023 was and what we want 2024 to be.
Many start the year with “New Year Resolutions,” which are all good. For most of us, they are gone to the side by mid-January. At least for me.
As 2024 starts, I ask myself, did I grow in 2023? Allow God to make changes in my life, attitude, or personality. I create goals, not resolutions, for 2024. Where do I want to be 365 days from now? If I haven’t changed or challenged myself in a year, my life is no different than just punching a timecard and doing the same thing repeatedly.
God has a bigger plan for your life and mine. The BIG question is, will we seek God for what that is? When He shows you, will you say YES? Or think it is too much and I cannot do that.
When we say I cannot do that, GOD says Good, now let’s get to work. When we pray, God works; when we admit we cannot, He says I can.
A quote comes to mind: When we work, we work, but when we PRAY, GOD works.