Have you ever wondered if family and friends will remember you after you pass away?
We have holidays to remember different people and what they have accomplished. Some are considered holidays we get paid for; others are just observances. Our family and friends are remembered on the specific day.
In the Bible, remembrance is used 54 times. I want to look at Luke 22:19 and 1 Cor 11:24-25. Jesus breaks the bread and drinks the cup with the disciples, and he charges them to remember Him when they do this.
I want to remember what Jesus did for me every moment, every day, not only at communion or on a specific holiday. He gave so much for me and you. He deserves to be on our minds all day long.
He still sees the scars on his hands and feet today. He remembers us. Hebrews 7:25 says, “He ever liveth to make intercession for them.” That is us, people. Jesus remembers us, so why should we not remember Him?

So, as you pass your Bible on the table or shelf, you may not have opened or had thoughts of Jesus in a while. Pause or, as my son said, “Pump the Brakes,” take a minute or longer to say thank you and ask for forgiveness. Have a conversation with Him. He is waiting.
Pastor Mary
Text to give: TITUS to 53-555