It takes all types; who is walking with you daily?

As I was thinking of the friends I have around myself. I realized I didn’t know much about the disciples Jesus had following him.

  • Andrew and Peter said in Matthew 4:18-22 that they were fishermen, and Jesus even told them he would make them “fishers of men.”
  • James and John were also fishermen and were in business with their father as they were mending his nets and probably had employees. Matthew 4:21.
  • Jesus called Matthew (Levi, son of Alphaesus) in Matthew 9:9. Find more about Matthew here.
  • Simon was what they called a Zealot; he was a politician or then would be called a revolutionary. Matthew 10:4
  • Judas, the bible doesn’t tell us what he did prior.
  • Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Thaddeus, and James are not told what they did before Jesus called them.

The purpose of all this? Should we not do the same if Jesus had people from all walks of life around Him? He even knew that Judas was going to betray Him.

Although Jesus had only three of these who were his closest, if I can say that. They were Peter, James, and John. Mark 14:32-42

We need people to speak into our lives. Ones we can confide in and trust, as for Judas. I think Jesus saw potential there and was willing to trust Judas and give him a chance.

Who are your people?

Pastor Mary

Text to give: TITUS to 53-555

Mary Yaw

Mary is on a mission to provide a cozy welcoming, safe place where you can find H.O.P.E. for the future.