Ever felt so weary you have no strength to carry on? Or don’t know which way to turn? Where you feel the weight of the world, and you cannot move. I have more than I care to imagine in my life.
Matthew 11:28-30 states if we are feeling this way, here is your answer. To go to the Lord and give the problem to him. His yoke is easy. His burden is light.
My mom loved the Footprints poem written by Mary Stevenson in 1939. Where the footprints represent your walk with the Lord, you may see two footprints walking together: you and the Lord walking together through life. There are times you would see only one set. This is where the Lord is caring for you through tough times. I have had times where the footprints went everywhere in the sand. This represents you were dancing with the Lord.
Can you remember times in your life that would match these moments?
So, as we walk through this day and the days to come. Let us always remember the Lord is with us. No matter what. We need to look around. Give the Lord all those thoughts and problems weighing and trying to slow you down. Pause for a moment and give them to Him. What He needs us to do is much easier.
All He wants from us is our love and devotion, and then our burden can be taken from us as we give ours to the only one who truly cares and sees what we are going through.
Trade your burden for His; it is light.
Pastor Mary
Text to give: TITUS to 53-555