I did a talk at a Christian retreat “a few years” ago. As I shared, I told the ladies Jesus is not your best friend. Well, some didn’t like that.

John 15:14 states: “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” Did you catch the IF? God says you are my friend IF you do what I command you. It is not about God doing what we want to be friends; it is up to us. Are you doing what the Bible says or what God has told you personally?
Matthew 11:19 and Luke 7:34 both state Jesus is a friend of the sinner. He is that Jesus was always a friend to whoever was open to hearing the gospel.
So, to those who still think Jesus is their best friend. Are you still a sinner? If the answer is no, you must look at stepping into a relationship with God as LORD.
After being saved, I realized God called me to a deeper relationship. I did a personal reflection on what a Lord is. I wasn’t sure about allowing Him to be Lord over my life. To let go of control. Wikipedia says, “Lord is an appellation for a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others, acting as a master, chief, or ruler.”

How about the statement Fan or Follower (the name of a book)? When it comes to sports, do you sit at home and watch sports games? Or do you physically follow them wherever they may be playing? Are you just going to church to hear about this Jesus, or are you willing to do and follow Him wherever He may lead your life?
The disciples did just that when Jesus asked them to follow him. Now, He is asking you. Will you come and follow me no matter the cost? Or do you want to have a friend you can talk to occasionally? Or sit at home watching the game?
IN HIM www.momentswithpastormary.blog
Pastor Mary Text to give: TITUS to 53-555